
Fertility & Sexuality – Stress Management

Stress can have a huge negative global impact on the body. Relevant to varicocele, it can impair healthy blood flow, reduce the effectiveness of digestion and bowel movements, and has a direct negative impact on fertility. Stress impairs healthy blood flow because it reduces the amount of nutrients in the……

Fertility & Sexual Health – Alleviate Varicocele Induced Damage & Stress

Cool Sperm density decreases by 40% for each degree Celsius increase of average daily scrotal temperatures. In fact, testicle temperatures above 36.5°C/98°F completely halt sperm production. Varicocele damages the counter current heat exchange mechanism of the pampiniform plexus. This means chronically elevated testicular temperature, leading to damaged testicles and impaired……

Fertility & Sexual Health

More than one in four people with varicocele experience fertility problems. That is about 2-4% of the population! The main parameters used for assessing fertility are sperm count, volume, morphology, and motility, as well as sperm DNA damage and testicular volume. Varicocele can negatively affect all these parameters. Varicocele can……

Lifestyle Changes – Squatting on the Toilet

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Lifestyle Changes – Coughing

It is good to be aware that coughing increases intra-abdominal venous pressure and can therefore irritate your varicocele and worsen your symptoms. Since the causes of chronic cough vary greatly, I recommend consulting a qualified physician for more information. Some cough you can control. For example, if you live in……

Lifestyle Changes – Constipation & Bowels

Interestingly, there is a difference in the occurrence of varicosities (including varicocele) in developed countries versus developing countries. Developing countries have much lower rates of varicosities. This discrepancy is largely due to the difference in diet and lifestyle. Chronic Constipation Chronic constipation is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal……
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