
Choosing the Right Underwear

Proper Underwear Proper underwear can be a great therapeutic tool for both pain relief and long-term healing. Bellow, I summarize the properties of therapeutic underwear. Breathes Well: Pretty self-explanatory, but critically important. If the underwear breathes well, it is good. If not, then do not wear it. Both fabric type and……

Lymphatic System

Disturbances in the lymphatic system may also contribute to or be the cause of some cases of varicocele. Specifically, we are concerned with the enlargement of the groin lymph nodes (in the retroperitoneum space) and inadequate lymph drainage. Enlargement of these lymph nodes impedes spermatic vein blood flow and causes……

The Fundamentals – Chapter Intro

These are the fundamentals that you must perform every day. The fundamentals are beneficial for almost everyone with varicocele. Practice the fundamentals alongside the treatments recommend in this guide, and I promise you that you will attain amazing results.Remember: A combination of many treatments will get you the best results.……

Healing – Venous Tone

Veins have muscular and supportive tissue that surround them and aid in contraction, dilation, and venous emptying. Improving the muscle and tissue tone of the veins is therefore critical for healing, reducing the diameter of the blood vessels, and making them more resilient to pressure. /*! elementor - v3.13.3 -……

Healing – Reduce Blood Toxicity

High blood toxicity increases the damage to your veins and testicles and impairs healing. To reduce blood toxicity, you need to perform both dietary and lifestyle changes, for example, limit consumption of food that is highly processed, high in processed sugars, and that is highly acidic, make your diet less……

Healing – Alleviate Varicocele Induced Damage & Stress

Varicocele is blood pooling and causes damage in 4 ways:Toxic blood poolingImpaired blood circulationTesticular overheatingLocally induced chronic inflammation Toxic Blood Pooling Improve blood quality:Varaco Health Kit IVaraco Health Kit IIAntioxidant dietLifestyle modification to reduce toxicity:Cigarette smoking cessationStop drinking alcoholReduce coffee consumptionImprove your diet quality Impaired Blood Circulation Improve testicular blood……

Fertility & Sexual Health – Alleviate Varicocele Induced Damage & Stress

Cool Sperm density decreases by 40% for each degree Celsius increase of average daily scrotal temperatures. In fact, testicle temperatures above 36.5°C/98°F completely halt sperm production. Varicocele damages the counter current heat exchange mechanism of the pampiniform plexus. This means chronically elevated testicular temperature, leading to damaged testicles and impaired……

Fertility & Sexual Health

More than one in four people with varicocele experience fertility problems. That is about 2-4% of the population! The main parameters used for assessing fertility are sperm count, volume, morphology, and motility, as well as sperm DNA damage and testicular volume. Varicocele can negatively affect all these parameters. Varicocele can……
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