Exercises & Stretches

Lunge (Step-Back)

https://youtu.be/R-g5yPNYv2k The reverse lunge is a lower-body exercise that targets the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors. It is similar to a forward lunge, but you start the exercise by stepping backward. Start Now Begin standing with both legs shoulder width and the torso upright with a neutral spine. Take……

Legs up the Wall

The legs up the wall pose is an inversion pose. It is particularly good because it can be performed almost anywhere and is easy to hold for long durations. Start Now Start by sitting with your left or right side next to the wall. Turn towards the wall, lie on……

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

https://youtu.be/4aa2Yp_3HKU The kneeling hip flexor stretch is an exercise for stretching the hip flexors. Start Now Start by kneeling on a pillow, bolster, rolled-up mat, or other soft-surface. To maintain your balance, grab onto something or hold yourself on a wall. Step one foot forward to make a 90-degree angle……


Kegeling is one the most well-recognized exercises for naturally enhancing sexual health and performance. It is also known as pelvic floor exercise as it strengthens pelvic floor muscles. Start Now Tense the same muscles you use when you stop urinating (pelvic floor muscles).For those with varicocele perform this exercise while……

Jog (Slow Running) 

Jogging is a form of running at a slow pace. It is a form of aerobic endurance training. Start Now Required EquipmentComfortable and well-fitted shoesBreathable pants/shortsStud Briefs underwear for support at air-circulationWater bottle and salt to prevent dehydration and hyponatremiaHow to PerformAvoid eating for 2 hours prior to jogging.Warm-up for……

Happy Baby Pose

The happy baby pose is a mild inversion exercise that is very easy to perform, holds for long periods, and has a lot of benefits. It is one of the yoga poses in which you bring your legs up with bent knees. Start Now Lay on your back with your……

Chin Tucks

https://youtu.be/gIBoxQ6AlS0The chin tuck is an exercise that improves your head position and postural imbalance by bringing the head into alignment with the rest of the body. Start Now First, reach up through the crown of your head to attain a small vertical extension.Now, move your head back.Tuck your chin in……

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a yoga pose where you kneel with your forehead down to the floor like a child. It is therapeutic and easy to perform. Required Items A comfortable surface for your legs and knees. You can use a mat or even your bed.You might need a clean surface for……

Bridge Pose (Glute Bridge)

Bridge pose is an inversion exercise and yoga pose. It works by elevating the hips above the torso. This helps blood circulate with the aid of gravity from the thighs, hips, and abdominal cavity back to the heart. Bridge pose also helps strengthen the posterior chain and stretch the front……
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