Sexual Health

Stretches & Exercises – Sexual Health

Scrotal Tuck Perform

Scrotal tuck is an exercise in which you are going to tense your scrotal muscles for increasing their strength. Start Now Ideally, perform it while lying down or with your legs up on the wall. You can also perform this exercise at any time.Begin by contracting your anus muscle as if……

Penis Stretch (L, R, U, D, O)

As it sounds, the penis stretch is simply a stretch specific for the penis. Two types of penis stretch are covered here: "Flaccid penis stretch" and "erect penis stretch". Start Now Flaccid Penis Stretch Begin lying on your back, with your legs spread slightly, and knees bent. Start by grabbing your……


Kegeling is one the most well-recognized exercises for naturally enhancing sexual health and performance. It is also known as pelvic floor exercise as it strengthens pelvic floor muscles. Start Now Tense the same muscles you use when you stop urinating (pelvic floor muscles).For those with varicocele perform this exercise while……
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