Sexual Health

Lifestyle Changes – Healthy Masturbation

Healthy Masturbation (Dos) + Lay down while masturbating+ Lay down 10-20 minutes after masturbating+ Sleep after masturbating/masturbate at night before sleep+ Allow adequate post-masturbation cooling+ Have some days/periods without masturbation+ Play with & stimulate your testicles+ For optimal fertility, ejaculate once every 2-3 days+ Avoid physically rubbing or tugging your……

Sitting Management

Beware the Cushiony Chair Cushiony chairs trap heat and have been shown elevate scrotal temperature by 3-4°C/5-7°F! Saddle chairs are more ideal but less comfortable. Try to avoid cushiony chairs when you can, whether at home, in the car, or at work. However, if you do sit on cushiony chairs,……
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