Exercises & Stretches


Walking is a simple and easy exercise with many benefits. Start Now You can walk indoors or outdoors.Simply ready appropriately, and begin walking. To access this post, you must purchase Advanced.

Table Pose

https://youtu.be/nWaOi23tXeATable pose (bharmansanasa) is a yoga pose that stretches the shoulders, chest, and hip flexors. It also helps strengthens the core, arms, and posterior chain. It has several different English names, including "Tabletop," "Crab," and "Half Reverse Plank". Start Now Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in……


Swimming is a great activity with many benefits. Start Now Find a local swimming pool and sign upSchedule in the available time slots and go swimmingAll styles of swimming are fineMake sure that your swimwear is not excessively tight around the waist and thighs To access this post, you must…

Supported Shoulder Stand

https://youtu.be/0CiaHCD5IigSupported shoulder stand is a yoga inversion pose. In this pose, you lay on your back and raise up the legs, hips, and torso vertically. Start Now While lying on the floor with your hands at your sides, slowly tuck both knees in toward your chest.Continue to roll your weight onto……

Standing Twists

https://youtu.be/NLAFK7hbFDYStanding twists is a stationary trunk rotation exercise. Start Now Begin by standing with your legs shoulder-width apart.Keep your knees slightly bent.Now twist from one side to another.Exhale when twisting, and inhale when unwinding.For further clarification, watch this video. Caution Do not perform twists on a full or bloated stomach.Avoid……

Standing Forward Bend

https://youtu.be/PvDGsl76cloStanding forward bend is both a stretch and inversion exercise. It is a healthy and functional stretch and can be performed regularly.  Start Now Start by standing with your legs about hip-width apart.Keep a small bend in your knees.Now, simply bend forward.Relax and allow your body to naturally release with……

Scrotal Tuck Perform

Scrotal tuck is an exercise in which you are going to tense your scrotal muscles for increasing their strength. Start Now Ideally, perform it while lying down or with your legs up on the wall. You can also perform this exercise at any time.Begin by contracting your anus muscle as if……

Run (Medium Pace)

Running is generally considered as a high-risk physical activity for varicocele. However, if performed in combination with the right treatments and precautions, it can be both beneficial and therapeutic for varicocele. Start Now Avoid heat-trapping pants and underwear (ideally, use STUD underwear) Do not wear belts or tight waists Practice perfect technique……

Penis Stretch (L, R, U, D, O)

As it sounds, the penis stretch is simply a stretch specific for the penis. Two types of penis stretch are covered here: "Flaccid penis stretch" and "erect penis stretch". Start Now Flaccid Penis Stretch Begin lying on your back, with your legs spread slightly, and knees bent. Start by grabbing your……


Meditation is a practice where you use techniques such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity while performing deep breathing and sometimes repeating a mantra. Duration: Hold for 1-30 minutes Reps: Complete treatment duration  Sets: Perform as many times as required to complete treatment duration……
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